The Write Brothers
The Write Brothers is the result of an idea for a good time that wouldn't go away. Simple beginings. I wanted to heard Robert Earl Keen's "The Road Goes On Forever" and dug up the Highwaymen's version late one night. (Funny, later I would realize I was singing "the road never ends" in Spencer's song.) Songwriters singing each other's songs: that's a good time. Songwriters in New Orleans: There's plenty of great ones. I was just day-dreaming. But the next day I was reaching out to three friends who happen to be three of the best songwriters I know in my hometown. Soon, we were hanging out around a kitchen table, writing songs and lining up recording dates. It got fun quick. And it was all over too quick. I don't know if I've ever laughed as much making a record, or if we four will make another record. But, hey, the road never ends. Happy Listening! - Jim McCormick, New Orleans, 2014
The write Brothers have a new CD out as of Spring 2020 check it out here
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