New Write Brothers Album Out Now!
Kid Covid and New Single
I have just released a new single--a great song called "West End" written by my old friend Dave Myers.
And while we remain on Covid lockdown the Tuesday night shows on Facebook Live will continue at every Tuesday at 8pm CDT. The Time Of Great Hugging will be here someday...
New Single is called "West End"!
The latest single is my version of a song I've always loved called "West End", from the incomparable Dave Myers.
Here's Dave's version of the song HERE
Here's some more Dave on Bandcamp
Alex on Facebook Live Tuesday Nights 8pm CDT!
Mr Tuesday Night himself is broadcasting LIVE from the Faraway Lounge! Go to
I'm taking requests up until showtime! Send to FB or
Care to leave a tip? venmo is @Alexander-McMurray-1 paypal is
New CD "Lucky One" is out NOW!
go to the "recordings" page...Recorded right here in downtown New Orleans, USA--where the magic happens! Thanks to all my friends who played on the record. The usual cast of characters: Carlo Nuccio, Joe Cabral and Glenn Hartman. Also the illustrious Brian Coogan, "Saturday" Susan Cowsill and Alexis Marceaux, Maestro Mike Dillon, Washboard Chaz, "Kid Kaboom" Jason Jurzak, Dr. Sick, The Diaphanous Duo Amy Lavere and Will Sexton, and who could forget the unforgettable Ivan Neville?
Review: Alex McMurray, Lucky One (Independent)
A new Alex McMurray album is a call for celebration. Not a huge, Mardi Gras-like celebration, because songwriters’ albums no longer define the zeitgeist as they once did. But definitely a more private, birthday party-like celebration, because great songwriting is a way to self-knowledge and ultimately satisfaction for those who have the patience to listen carefully. Once upon a time John Sebastian...
Heading To Bay Area For Kate Bush Project
Kate Bush, you say? OK, I'm game. Gonna go out to Californie to make a record of acoustic treatments of Kate Bush songs with my pal Tina Ozinski. Does anybody else think Kate Bush sounds kina like Ween?
Like A Cobra In The Dark: A Conversation With Alex McMurray
Alex McMurray is rightfully recognized as a great guitarist and singer-songwriter, but beyond that he is also a tremendous navigator of the New Orleans music scene. Besides being a founding member of Royal Fingerbowl and The Tin Men, McMurray also formed the beastly Valparaiso Men’s Chorus, with a focus on ribald sea shanties. He partnered with guitarist Jonathan Freilich for the Tom Paines, to unearth obscure folk songs, blues, and murder ballads, and figured prominently with The Write Brothers, featuring Jim McCormick, Paul Sanchez, and Spencer Bohren. McMurray has also accompanied the massive Naked Orchestra, collaborated with The Little Big Horns, and even joined the rock steady band 007. Alex McMurray has had a long-standing series of duet performances with everyone from Sarah Quintana and Susan Cowsill, to Luke Spurr Allen, who plays with Alex in The Happy Talk Band. We...
Looking for singles? They're on Bandcamp! Check out "Boomtown", "Young Man's Game", "Billy Riley" (from the Valparaiso Men's Chorus) and the latest-- "Days To Go".
The Latest Single is called "Days To Go"
And you can listen to it here. It'll be up on itunes at some point.
New Valpo Single "Billy Riley"!
Check out or new single HERE
New Single "Gluestick Situation" Available for Free Download
Check it out HERE!!!
New Single "Gluestick Situation"
Happy Carnival everyone. I'm pleased to announce the release of my latest single "Gluestick Situation" just in time for Lundi Gras. With the esteemed Mr. Cabral helping out. Courtesy of Mr. Mehiel at Studio Seurat--the finest sound available anywhere!
Big Thanksgiving Weekend Stuff
Hey all it's Thanksgiving weekend 2017 and there's lots going on. First it's Tin Men at Dba on Wednesday 11/22 7-9. Always a fun time on t-day on Friday it's the 2nd annual "Last Waltz New Orleans" at the Joy Theater with a galaxy of Local talent singing songs of The Band and generally whooping it up to raise some money for the Musician's Clinic. That show starts at 8pm. At 10 it's the original 007 at DBA for ONE NIGHT ONLY!!! That's right get your rock-steady dancing shoes on...On Saturday I'll be joining Debbie Davis at The French Market from 2 to 3 for a program of Christmas music. On Monday I'll be playing solo at Chickie Wah Wah at 8pm. Also on Thursday 11/30 I'll be with Susan Cowsill at the International House Hotel Loa Bar for the first installment of her "Echoes of Laurel Canyon" series. I'll be singing songs from the prodigous Neil Young catalog. The show starts...
New Single on El Che Records
My latest single is being released on El Che records. It's called "Two Brothers" and you can check it out here.
"Hope For The Best"--New Single Out Now
UK dates announced!
Bark presents...
The Glad Borough
South London
time TBA
Time TBA
The Goat's Toe
Bangor, Northern Ireland
time TBA
Sandino's Cafe & Bar
Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland
FRIDAY 4th august
The American Bar
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Time TBA
SATURDAY 5th august
The Dufferin Arms
Killyleagh, Northern Ireland
time TBA
A Night in Louisiana at Harbour and Company
Donaghadee, Northern Ireland
time 6pm-9pm
"Greatest New Orleans Hits" reviewed in Offbeat
" recent years New Orleans has become a songwriters’ haven. Alex McMurray is one of the prime movers of that renaissance, turning out a torrent of original material as both a solo singer-songwriter and a member of numerous local groups."
Check out "Mr. Tuesday Night"!

New Single Out Now!
Hey kids it's been a minute or two but just in time for summer there's a new single out from McMurray enterprises. Let Mr. Tuesday Night put things right for you. With the usual cast of characters--Carlo Nuccio, Matt Perrine and Brian Coogan. Also on board is one-man-string-section Rick Nelson playing violin, viola, cello and bass. Recorded right here in New Orleans, USA at Marigny Recording Studio. Available in all file formats and streaming as well. Enjoy! CHECK IT OUT HERE!
New CD! Available Now!

Alex McMurray Sings His Greatest New Orleans Hits
Alex McMurray is proud to announce a brand new CD just in time for Jazzfest. Its a compilation of all of Alex's greatest songs about his adopted town, New Orleans. It includes tracks by Royal Fingerbowl, The Tin Men and Alex's solo records all in one handy CD. Also included is the brand new never before released on a CD, Ninth Ward Chicken!